Hot Queer Summer Party

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 26 september 2021
Tijd: 16:00-00:00
Type: Cafe & Party


Naam: Eye Filmmuseum
Straat: IJpromenade 1
Postcode: 1031 KT
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland


Issa party! Together with we’re gonna end the summer with a bang 

Imagine hot summer beats, speed dating on wheels, drinks from our cocktail bar and dancing into the depth of the last summer nights. 

Theme is hot queer summer, gear up with whatever that means for you from sporty queer to drag to leather harnesses  to glitter to just being yourself. 

We’ll set up some BBQs, prepare tasty salads and food. Bring your favorite meat/veggie patty to throw on the grill.

This is a space to be unapologetically queer, to say goodbye to the summer and @clubapofficial and to celebrate love and commmunity

We are going to meet Sunday 26th sep from 4pm at the waterside of the eye filmmuseum and will go on into the late hours

The location is wheel chair accessible



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