New Kings in Town

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 27 april 2024
Tijd: 20:30
Type: Overige


Naam: Wilde Wereld
Straat: Burgtstraat 1
Postcode: 6701 DA
Plaats: Wageningen
Provincie: Groningen
Land: Nederland


Tonight is our night, not just because it is Kingsday (April 27th) and we are the hottest kings in town. But also because this night is the start of a new area, a new dawn, a new day, the birth of a kingdom, the crack of our egg: we welcome you at our housewarming. House of FlocKing Birds is the local house in the valley that exists entirely out of kings to promote the passion we have for this underrated part of drag.  

We love to have you at the opening show of our house at theatre De Wilde Wereld 27th of April at 20:30. The show will start at 21:00. We can't wait what this new step is gonna bring us. Be the witness of our birth...

The House of FlocKing Birds exists of Mr. E. Man, Christopher Rascal, Ekkie, Jack Pace, Rudy Turnstone and Don D.

Get your tickets via

Next to single person tickets, we sell group tickets with a discount. So get yours friends together and enjoy our show.



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