Asian Movie Night
I am a form, expressing itself in the earth's crust, wringing itself out - Een Lichaam Dragen, Hannah Chris Lomans
Queer has had a long history of being a word that signals otherness, strangeness, that can carry the tune of disdain, yet also a unifying word that is possessed by its people. But who are those people, and how did we get to come together? In a quest to think about what does a queer way of being feel, sound, or taste like, this summer Asian Movie Night has prepared a diverse and complex program that navigates queer life, embodiment, and desire
Smooth Pink Fresh & Crude is made up of a feature film screening of an avant classic from late 60s Japan, as well as a selection of short films from varied parts of the world that discuss different aspects of queerness, whether in the abstract or the tangible.
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