Prik's Pink Pub Quiz - Eurovision edition

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 15 mei 2019
Tijd: 20:15
Type: Cafe & Party


Naam: PRIK
Straat: Spuistraat, 109
Postcode: 1012SV
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland



Hosted by EJ, Marz & Wothor

Wake up, Soldi, Scream, Sisters, Replay, Roi, Too late for love or will it really be Arcade? On the 18th of May we will know the winner. But before that, in the middle of Eurovision week, we bring you the third Eurovision edition of Prik’s Pink Pub Quiz!! Which country hosted the Eurovision the most times? Who sang Russia Goodbye? The youngest winner ever was…..? And in which year Croatia made its debut?

But there’s more to Europe than Eurovision so be prepared for non-Eurovision questions as well. And there’s more to the world than Europe, so your general recent news and gay knowledge will come in very handy!! Get your perfect team together and join us the 15th of May for a fabulous ESC evening!!!!

€5 subscription fee per team. Max. 5 participants per team (strict rule).

Prize: €50 off your bar tab.

Subscribe now by adding your team name (+ number of participants in your team) on the Facebook event page or e-mail to


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