Shadow Index by Guenter Råler

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Datum: 26 april 2021
Tijd: 20:00-21:00
Type: Cafe & Party


Dit is een online event


We’ll be celebrating King’s Night together this year during the audiovisual performance Shadow Index by award-winning Guenter Råler for the online festival Rainbows End.

Shadow Index is an audiovisual performance that aims at exploring and challenging given notions of gender, identity, and self-representation through digital tools. Focusing on contemporary issues within online culture, the performance plays with the contrast between binarism of devices and machines, the fluidity of human features, and the ever-evolving process of self-discovery related to gender identity.

Born from the urgency to revolutionize and rethink online spaces to be more open and welcoming for non-normative identities, Shadow Index celebrates the dark and unpleasant sides of virtual interactions, intimacy, and a sense of ‘connection’, while highlighting the need to enhance the potential positive and democratic use that virtuality offers.

Through music and images, the audience is guided through a post-digital narrative of modern techno-capitalist hysteria: of raw footages, world news, Instagram videos, YouTube trends, and queer content, blended in an overwhelming colorful journey that culminates in the invitation to reflect and shape a new relationship to digital spaces, in the attempt of creating a “whole new world”.

Guenter Råler is currently working on the project Shadow Index as a resident at Uncloud.

WHERE: online

WHEN: 26 April 20:00

PRICE: €5,-


Guenter Råler

Irene Cassarini (b. 1995, she/they) is an Italian producer, DJ, sound designer and visual artist, now based in The Netherlands. Recently graduated from the master of Music Technology at HKU in Utrecht (NL), she is an independent researcher on internet culture, queer theories and digital art, taking a multidisciplinary approach in exploring the relationship between society, politics and artistic practices.

Irene produces under the alias Guenter Råler, exploring the field of experimental electronic music, connecting analog and digital synthesis to create emotionally-charged melodies and textures.

Their audiovisual works are shaped after a distorted, glitched post-digital aesthetic, where sound and images are constantly deconstructed and fragmented in an ever-evolving process.

Online Festival Rainbows End

From April 22nd until 2nd of May Creative Coding Utrecht (CCU) opens up the online festival Rainbows End. This multi-sensory art manifestation is exploring the boundaries of reality, intimacy and play, with a diverse range of activities. Thanks to talk shows, screenings, performances, workshops, and an online art exhibition, you will be immersed in new realities.

During this 11-day programme, we will be hacking sex toys, discussing the importance of safe digital spaces, and the impact of complex politics and histories of technology, as well as many other topics. It promises to cultivate mind-expanding conversations with new people. Let’s get intimate!

Rainbows End is made possible by Gemeente Utrecht, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Mondriaan Fonds, VSBFonds, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Stichting Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, and Pictoright Fonds.



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