Savannah Bay Feminist Book Club
The fourth and final edition of Savannah’s Feminist Book Club with Virginia Woolf.
From September to December, Savannah’s Feminist Book Club will read and discuss four classic feminist non-fiction books. Each month we discuss different feminist issues through foundational feminist authors, with people of color for three books. The bookclub is not a four-month-long commitment, feel free to join any month you like. There will be snacks and drinks available. The event is free if you buy the book at our shop; otherwise, we ask a contribution of €6.
Our final book for December is none other than Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, a seminal text from 1929 that’s nearly as relevant a century later. Originally composed as lectures for the women’s colleges at the University of Cambridge, Woolf lays the groundworks for a distinct canon of women’s literature while also establishing key feminist tenets like the ability to support oneself. Before the holidays, let’s really apply Woolf’s lens to the modern welfare programs, including the Housing First approach to combating homelessness. Please join us for an expansive conversation and treats on Thursday, December 19 at 20:00.
Price of the book is €11,95
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