Global LGBT+ Innovation Jam

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 13 april 2021
Tijd: 14:00-20:00
Type: Overige


Dit is een online event


Dear Workplace Pride Members and Stakeholders,     

Co-sponsored by the IBM Institute for Business Value, Workplace Pride, and Out & Equal, the Global LGBT+ Innovation Jam will be an international event taking place over 34 continuous hours starting April 13, 8 am ET, 2 pm CET, 8 pm SGT. The Jam is completely virtual, featuring text-based dialogue between thousands of business leaders, D&I experts, academics, and other allies exploring the following topics:

-Corporate & individual championship

-LGBT+ intersectionality

-Mental health

-Transgender and non-binary belonging


-Visibility and development

-Impact of technology

Throughout the Jam, special VIPs and high-profile hosts will share their experiences and insights. And as a participant, you will be able to jump in and join the dialogue directly! Join for half an hour, for a day, or for all 34 hours, it’s your choice.

Register NOW:

See you there! 




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