Critical lens Pride edition: Paris is Burning

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Geplaatst door:
Datum: 10 september 2021
Tijd: 18:00-22:00
Type: Cafe & Party


Dit is een online event


The Hague Pride is where the community comes together, loves, asks critical questions and dreams of our queer utopia. We, as The Hang-Out 070 x Beuys Bois, invite you to celebrate Pride with us. We have planned three events during this Pride weekend.

The first event takes place on September 10th at 18:00 and is called Critical lens. Critical lens is an event where the community comes together to watch a movie and share communal insights about media. This is an amazing opportunity to come together with other queer peers. Come chill with us, eat snacks and enjoy the selections our community is offering!

In this Pride edition we will showcase Paris is Burning. A fundamental piece of media to understand the queer community and an inspiration for what we try to do here in The Hague. After the movie the team of THO-070 will take you on an aftertalk, discussing what our views are as a community.

Feel free to bring snacks and drinks, and we'll provide popcorn.


We keep our address a secret so that we can guarantee a safer space. You'll receive the address after signing up. Would you like to host a critical lens or become a volunteer for the Hangout? DM or email us!

Register for the events and we will contact you where you have to be.



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