Pride is not Over

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 10 november 2023
Tijd: 23:30-04:00
Type: Cafe & Party


Naam: Paradiso
Straat: Weteringschans 6-8
Postcode: 1017 SG
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland


Pride is not over is an event by SNEAKOUT and The Queer Agenda. It’s a queer party that believes that diversity, equality and queer visibility should not end after pride. This event is more than just a chance to party: it is an opportunity for everyone to come together as an act of solidarity against temporary allyship, pink-washing, and the excessive commercialisation of pride.

In the same vein, we are also against the increasing commercialisation of the electronic music scene, and it becoming less accessible as a consequence. To counter this, we are hosting a Paradiso takeover club night on the 10th of November. For this edition, we have combined a selection of both local and international pioneering DJs: not only in the sense of their artistry, but also in the movements they have initiated within the queer community. As ever, we want to widen the scope of artistry which form queer nightlife, so we are combining this party with live music acts, performers, dancers and a photography exhibition.

Following ADE, our aim is to continue the party for our community with a night featuring some of the most exciting queer talent from Amsterdam and across Europe at a price that is accessible for everyone.




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