Milkshake Amsterdam

Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: van 29 juli tot 30 juli 2017
Tijd: 12.00 - 23.00 uur
Type: Groot Event


Naam: Westerpark
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland


What happens when the unique Free Love and Tolerance Policy of two of the biggest clubs in Amsterdam be thrown in a blender together with a dose of liberalism, art, culture, entertainment and creativity?
Milkshake festival shows that entertainment, music choice, choice of clothing and status has nothing to do with sexuality. Life is just a party thanks to the great diversity of skin colors, religions, sexual preferences and male and female forms. Milkshake wants to celebrate the city’s initiatives and is an impetus to bring the courtesy and friendly manners back into society. Thick, thin, small, large, gay, straight, trans, black or white: people are the salt of the earth and this is what we celebrate!


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