Algemene informatie:

Geplaatst door:
Datum: 9 juni 2022
Tijd: 18:00-20:00
Type: Workshop


Naam: Het Nieuwe Muntgebouw
Straat: Muntkade 20
Postcode: 3531 AK
Plaats: Utrecht
Provincie: Utrecht
Land: Nederland


In this introductory workshop, you will get hands-on with making electronics, learning how to take apart an existing vibrator with the goal of turning it into the device of your dreams! Specifically organized for beginners, we will guide you through the whole process from start to finish.

After a brief history of Sex Tech through the ages, we will discover the engineering magic that makes a vibrator unique on the inside. We will then design and prototype the look and feel of our dream devices using a kit of pre-ordered and re-purposed parts.

You can bring-your-own cheap (or broken) vibrator to tear down, and/or all of the necessary tools and parts will be provided on the day. What you make is up to you and the limits of your imagination!



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